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Liners may need to be replaced in your swimming pool for many reasons. Here are common reasons why a liner may need to be changed.

  1. The water has not been treated and/or filtered for too long and the pool is too filthy.
  2. The auto-cleaner tore up the bottom edge of the liner.
  3. Ants, moles, beetles or other insects punched tiny holes in the liner.
  4. A dog or other animal falls in or scratches the liner when swimming.
  5. The rusty interior of the pool wall took life from the liner.
  6. Someone’s kids had fun poking holes in the liner with non-pool toys or the pool pole.
  7. The pool is leaking and no-one can figure out where.
  8. The pool was drained and left without water too long and the liner shrunk.
  9. The liner is brittle from age.

Whatever the reason, whatever the need, Contact us today and we will be happy to help you!